For Flanders you can go to the VDAB. You can register via:
a VDAB-kantoor near you
the number 0800 30 700
the nearest werkwinkel (jobcentre) – www.werkwinkel.be
Do you live in Brussels?
Then you can go to Actiris. Via www.actiris.be or at the Actiris-kantoor.
Do you live in Wallonia?
Then you need to contact Forem (www.leforem.be).
At the VDAB you can register from January in your final school year.
At Actiris you can only do so from May in your final year. Register immediately if you interrupt your studies during the year.
If you remain unemployed for a specific period then you can receive jobseeker’s allowance. You must be registered for this. The faster you do so, the faster you will be eligible for the benefit.
VDAB and Actiris will support you in searching for a job, you can attend job application courses and they will also search through job vacancies for your profile.
For how long?
Once you have found a job or once you return to your studies you should best deregister. (Even if it was just a temporary job). To do this you can call the free phone number 0800 30700 (VDAB) or 02 800 42 42 (Actiris).