If you are registered as a jobseeker then you will be insured through your parents during your waiting period. Found work or the waiting period has passed? Then you are legally obliged to join a health insurance fund yourself.
Belgium has 6 health insurance funds:
Christelijke mutualiteit/Mutualités chrétiennes - www.cm.be
Socialistische mutualiteiten/Mutualités socialiste - www.socmut.be
Liberale Mutualiteit/Mutualités libérales - www.lmvlg.be
Onafhankelijke Ziekenfondsen/Mutualités libres - www.mloz.be
Neutrale Ziekenfondsen/Mutualités neutres - www.neutrale-ziekenfondsen.be
Hulpkas voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering/Caisse d'assurance maladie-invalidité - www.caami-hziv.fgov.be
Do you have more questions or concerns? Our consultants are always ready to point you in the right direction as a starter. So do not hesitate to contact us or drop in to a Manpower office near you.